
Hasami-cho, Higashisonogi-gun, Nagasaki Prefecture is known throughout Japan for its production of Hasami-ware Pottery. In the last three articles, we introduced you about the history of the city and Hasami-ware pottery. For the fourth and the last article, we would like to give the readers a demonstration of the experiences you can have in Hasami.

Hasami, Nagasaki

JapanMade Editorial

Hasami-cho, Higashisonogi-gun, Nagasaki Prefecture is known throughout Japan for its production of Hasami-ware Pottery.
This is the only town not facing the sea in Nagasaki Prefecture.
【English Website】https://ps-q.jp/tourism/hasami-town/en/
【Chinese Website】https://ps-q.jp/tourism/hasami-town/zh/

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